
Remember when a candidate was proud to shake hands with the president? For some reason, it's hard work finding such pictures anymore. Let's help! Post photos or links to photos of political candidates shaking hands with W ...or anything close. We're not picky! Mail Them To:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mike Sodrel (R-In) Gets Close To Bush!

While other Republicans are ducking photographers, Sodrel seems to enjoy showing off his close ties with the head of his party.Mike Sodrel is willing not only to use Bush to collect thousands of dollars in campaigan contributions, but is willing to get his picture taken shaking hands with him.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Goodlatte (R-VA) Loves Bush!

Congressman Bob Goodlatte seems to be a great pal of George W Bush, since he posts a photo of the two of them together on his website ...not exactly shaking hands, but at least they're together.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

MIA: Bush with most GOP Candidates...

... it's HARD WORK finding a picture of many GOP candidates shaking hands with George W Bush. Here's a partial list of those for whom googling reveals no relevant images:

, Spencer (R-AL)

, Richard (R-LA)

, David (R-WA)

What's really ironic? Bush is still raising millions of dollars for these ungrateful candidates; see Candidates Cool to Bush, but Not His Money, CBS News, Mar. 24, 2006.

Bush is now officially like the smelly kid in prep school: They'll take his money, but they won't be seen with him in public!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Alexander (R-LA) Does a Darn Fine Job for Bush

Here's a guy who is Darn Proud to do a Darn Fine Job for George W Bush in Louisiana: Representative Alexander of Louisiana. He even puts this picture on his website (although the thumbnail is kinda small.) If terror or other disaster threatens our nation, we can be sure of one thing: this team will give America a swift and sure photo-op!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

McMorris, but not Reichert or McGavick

Dick Cheney came to raise a lot of money for candidates in Washington State, such as lobbyist Mike McGavick (running for Senate) and Dave Reichert (8th district), but no-one seems to want to have their picture taken with him except Cathy McMorris. It's so sad for Dick: they'll take the money, but won't be seen with him in public.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Doc Hastings: Defending America Against Ethics!

Representative Hastings, of Washington State, heads the House Committee on Ethics, and has succeeded in having no ethics investigations at all! During his leadership, Rep. Cunningham has gone to jail, DeLay faces multiple indictments, and other members of the House of Representatives are endangered by bribery scandals ... but none of this has moved Hastings to hold ethics hearings.

But don't think Hastings does nothing! He always has time for a handshake with the leader of our nation: Dick Cheney!

He's even let himself be photographed with the Fundraiser-In-Chief, George W Bush. Congratulations! America needs people with priorities.

(These photos are from Hastings' own site. Thank you!)

Mark Kennedy of Minnesota: W's Favorite Kennedy

Can you believe it? I couldn't find one picture of Kennedy with Bush on Kennedy's entire website! What a squandered opportunity for the candidate to bask in the glory that is W. Fortunately the good people at Wikipedia came through:

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Santorum Holding Hands With George

Here's George Santorum, running for Senate in Pennsylvania, unashamed to hold hands with George W Bush in public. Who says men can't be affectionate?

Courtesy of

Katherine Harris Hugs George!

Running for a Senate seat in Florida, the lovely Mrs. Harris will surely benefit from this photo of a hug from George W Bush, courtesy of El Mundo at

Shake Hands With George W Bush

This purpose of this blog is to collect pictures of people shaking hands with George W Bush.
These used to be easy to find, but suddenly: not!

Why is this?

Isn't shaking hands with the President an honors?

I feel for those candidates who are having trouble getting photos of themselves holding hands with the President. Please, if you have any photos, post them here!