
Remember when a candidate was proud to shake hands with the president? For some reason, it's hard work finding such pictures anymore. Let's help! Post photos or links to photos of political candidates shaking hands with W ...or anything close. We're not picky! Mail Them To:

Saturday, May 13, 2006

MIA: Bush with most GOP Candidates...

... it's HARD WORK finding a picture of many GOP candidates shaking hands with George W Bush. Here's a partial list of those for whom googling reveals no relevant images:

, Spencer (R-AL)

, Richard (R-LA)

, David (R-WA)

What's really ironic? Bush is still raising millions of dollars for these ungrateful candidates; see Candidates Cool to Bush, but Not His Money, CBS News, Mar. 24, 2006.

Bush is now officially like the smelly kid in prep school: They'll take his money, but they won't be seen with him in public!


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